Our Facilities

St Therese’s is located on Endeavour Drive. It is a safe sanctuary for children with secure fencing that surrounds the property. There are three adventure playgrounds and an undercover sandpit that children enjoy all year round. There is a footy and soccer oval and other grass areas for students to play on. There are multiple hard courts and a gymnasium.


There are currently 270 students enrolled. Our students are organised into the following class structure:

2 Foundation classes, 2 Year 1 classes, 2 Year 2 classes, 3 Year 3/4 classes and 3 Year 5/6 classes. The number of students in each class is kept as low as possible. 

The school's excellent gymnasium facility is not just used for sport lessons. Within this space is a stage area that is used during assemblies, whole school masses and other community events such as our Japanese drumming presentations and Christmas concert.

Classes from Foundation to Year Six enjoy weekly specialist classes in the following areas; 

  • Languages - Japanese, 
  • Physical Education, 
  • Visual Arts, and 
  • Design and Digitech. 

Each class has access to contemporary digital learning tools, such as iPads, various robotics, chromebooks and in the senior classrooms, 3D printers. Our senior students are allocated 1 to 1 chromebooks to use for educational purposes. Each student has their own gmail account and teachers use digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching. 



Following the completion of our Capital Building Project, the school is divided into 3 learning communities. The Foundation to Year 2 students classrooms were upgraded to create more contemporary learning spaces for each class, breakout spaces for small group work and a kitchen space for cookery and science. The middle learning neighbourhood consists of two renovated and two newly built classrooms with a spaciious shared area and kitchen space. The senior classes are currently located in the older classrooms, furnished and decorated to blend with the rest of the school.


The school has a fully functioning kitchen that provides hot and cold lunches. Students enjoy the canteen facilities on Mondays and Wednesdays. Parents can pay via an online payment option. Throughout the year, the canteen provides themed lunches for those students who are interested, for example hot dogs on Footy Day.